Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hello again!! It's the weekend, but i thought i'd post anyways.

I see that i have some more followers here and i would like to say hello there!! It's good to see that other members of my family have decided to come and see my blog! HELLO!!! :)

Anyhow, (yeah! anyhow :D ) today seems like it might be a regular day, but i might be going to a movie sometime soon, so if i do, i'll be sure to post what i and others think about it. I'll do that with any movies i go and see!!

Speaking of which, the G.I.Joe movie was pretty cool, although, being a total nerd, i couldn't over look the differences in it. All I shall say is that some of the characters were portrayed differently than in, say, the comic books and cartoons. It was fairly good though. I think i'd give it.....oh, 3.5 stars. However, that's coming from a long-time nerd fan. If you don't know much about the characters and their backgrounds, you might enjoy it a lot more than i did. If you haven't seen it but you are Joe Nerds, then i'd tell you to try and keep an open mind. You'll like it better that way.

More 7's:
1. I love love LOVE Japanese Anime!!! (Something i share mostly with Shantara)
2. I don't really care for Mexican food (unless homemade or taco bell tacos)
3. My fav fast food place is Domino's (YUM!!)
4. I love Nerf wars (with mostly hunter, lacey and uncle micheal and aunt liz!!)
5. My current fav looking car; the Cube or Camero (thanks to Transformers)
6. I don't care what anyone says; Princess Bride is one of the most fantastic movies ever!!! (Inconcivible! Hee Hee)
7. One of my top fav actors; definatly Ryan Renolyds (did i spell that wrong?? hmmmm...)

Until tomorrow!! (or next time. whatever comes first.)


Michael said...

You did misspell Reynolds, Inconceivable!!! I shall buy you Dominos when I visit and then I will shoot you. I kiillll you! Mwahahaha!!!