Friday, April 2, 2010

Wow....its been a while!!!

Hello to all still following and who bother to read this. I'm sorry that i've been gone so long. I've been super busy with school and all, so i haven't found much time to post.
Anyways, what's been going on with me....hmm. well, for starters, as you can see i have made a few changes to my blog. The pictures of Merak are gone because we broke January. Again, sorry for being so slow.
Anyhow, yeah, me and merak broke up, so there won't be any more pics of us on here. But, anyways, my life is pretty good. Just been going to school and doing school related stuff. Today, they made all of the ninth graders write nominations for people like "Most Likely to become a Professional Athlete" and more. It was a lot of fun.
Also, my school did a March Madness (School Fundraiser thing) and MY third period class was the only class that turned in all of our packets and got the ice cream reward for turning them all in. THE ONLY CLASS IN THE ENTIRE SCHOOL!!! i must say yes, i mean to brag when i say my third period honors english class is the COOLEST EVER!!!!! and yes, we are better than everyone else. mwahahahahahahaha!!!!
But, well, really thats all right now. so i suppose i'll say good-bye again.
Oh, and the green fairy? she's pretty cool, no?
with love,